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Current Research Projects


Faculty Development and Diversity

Dr. Hanasono's scholarship reveals how inequities persist in higher education and offers systematic solutions for supporting the career advancement of minoritized faculty. 

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Allyship in Higher Education

Dr. Hanasono is currently a Co-PI of a nearly $1 million NSF ADVANCE Adaptation Grant that examines how allyship and inclusive leadership can (1) reduce discrimination and (2) transform universities and colleges into more equitable institutions. 

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Anti-Hate Bystander Intervention

Working with a research team of graduate and undergraduate students, Dr. Hanasono investigates the communicative strategies that people use to engage in anti-hate bystander intervention-- and how bystanders' behaviors impact others.

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Inclusive Pedagogy and the Scholarship of Teaching

Dr. Hanasono regularly publishes scholarship on teaching and learning. She is particularly passionate about projects that explore how faculty promote equity, diversity, and inclusion through their teaching and mentoring. 

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Shattering Stigma on Pregnancy Loss

Dr. Hanasono was awarded a fellowship from the Institute for the Study of Culture and Society to conduct research that aims to shatter stigma associated with pregnancy loss, provide better support to those who have experienced it.

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